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发表于 2013-9-17 05:52:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Today, the weather continuously cloudyly conceals the truth is covering the earth, is similar these two days heaven continuously all not to awake. This kind of weather is very easy to let the person daydream, to be reluctant to part with any matter. One kind of lonely feeling slowly raids to oneself, endlessly egresses long road slowly to ponder recently passed matter. Hoped oneself can have to extricate the time even opportunity? In the cold wind, own accompany Mr. J and so on the famous colleague to stroll together in the Beidaihe fall the beach, a rank salty sea breeze also wanted formerly such to let the person suffocate, breathe with difficulty. Some not quickly all in at present are as if same, resembles on occurs in today in the seashore, occurs cloudyly hides the truth from in the fall in this □today to start for the time on fourth travel of the seashore work, again next the several time I all will be able to carry on the intense work, the study report experience in this our province seashore tourist attraction □□Beidaihe. This seashore city will give me the new inspiration, the new ponder method inspiration. Hoped here can dispel boredom in my summer day all to be sad, not to be quick! The smoke is dispersing in the clouds, sadly remains in the person. All not quickly can pass, all not happy people all want to attempt oneself get rid of the difficult position, attempts oneself has not always lived. Hoped behavior of the second seashore brings the good beginning, can finish all gloomy life

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