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" U8 g! }# v# i8 o2 K8 @; {2 V   
1. 只有我们自己先相信自己,别人才会相信我们。
4 Q; L! T& o7 Z% W% m
 Only our own first believe in yourself, others will believe us.
% ^2 h. X" j% @' ^. g5 z L7 Q0 _' L
2. .如果我们努力了虽然不一定能成功,但不努力绝对不会成功.
. {5 d, \3 n0 q
. if we tried although can not succeed, but not hard never succeed.
( E4 ` o" |- n7 r
3. .哭,并不能解决问题,反而会让别人觉得你懦弱.
% ?8 ]. W2 j0 I! Z
. cry, and will not solve the problem, it will let others think you weak.
+ G8 g: `. v6 S1 N1 g
4. 成功是建立在痛苦之上的
/ o3 p2 i4 f, A! U" I* R! f% E: H! t
Success is built on the pain of the above
6 |$ w+ h* i6 o% X/ E2 J
- |0 _5 g* X9 `8 k& c: E
. the road of life is suffering a stack, want to go down, it must be strong.
& f' q- \5 m5 N. q: s- l8 F
6 当我们努力去没成功时,只要我们还有去抱怨的力气,那就证明我们还没尽力
/ k$ Q$ D S' ^/ \8 h! f& W& K
 When we try to not success, as long as we still have to complain about strength, then prove we haven't tried to
7 u1 U' E; z/ c; Y B3 L
7. 我们要用心去做事,有多少心就做多少事
7 D0 L- u2 |0 U" e( r8 Q% c
 We must work hard to work, how much heart will do much
; u5 @% F7 A: N: G) Z% R
8. 人生没有后悔,我们只能尽力去不让自己后悔
l& S$ Z6 Y& ]% U1 d% I
Life without regret, we can only do our best to not to regret
. q$ }/ Y8 g/ H/ O6 B
9. 伟人之所以成为伟人,是因为他们在常人浪费生命时奋力的去学习。
+ e8 ^, }1 H5 m7 p W
. The reason why a great man is become a great man, because they are ordinary people waste life struggling to learn.
8 ?3 ^. A: V P
10. 我们要相信希望就在前方
4 L! d7 ]& G s8 J% p9 A! T
. We believe that the hope is just ahead
. N! a# ?" z/ s
11. 不要向上天抱怨你的不公,因为上天根本不认识你
5 h Q+ M2 C1 X; p6 H0 S& N' Y
. Don't up day complain you injustice, because god don't know you
& c2 k/ p8 Q3 q& K" r1 H9 M- z4 T k
12. 不要埋怨自己的父母,他们没有错,想活得更好就自己努力
) ]% F, g" z" y) Q* g# O G( F
. Don't complain their parents, they have no wrong, want to live better is your efforts
0 v, D+ R, Q- _, h( O5 w5 u
13. 趁现在好好孝敬父母,不要等他们老了没有力气享受时才明白
1 r3 X6 S1 ], v N3 b/ C1 T2 p- y
. Now a good honor your father and your mother, don't wait until they had no strength to enjoy the old don't understand
8 ~; ^# F/ r: F
14. 其实父母想要的不是金钱而是一句简简单单的‘我爱你’罢了
) y& |: j9 B1 V W$ ]3 L/ D+ P
. In fact parents want is not money, but a simple "I love you" just
7 U5 {' v; | k8 S5 G+ U+ z
15. 浪费了今天,我们会在明天去填补今天,会再后天填补明天,我们的生命终将这样填不下去,一事无成
4 C7 H' y6 D* Z
. Wasted today, we will be in tomorrow to fill today, will be acquired fill tomorrow, our life will be so fill not bottom go to, nothing at all
* W* Q5 J! Y: d! s' W
16. 只要开始就不要轻易放弃
, w. p( ]8 a* `0 k4 ^% g' J# H i& @
. As long as the start, don't give up easily
. J, `3 ]/ u' Z g
17. 不要认为自己没用,只是还未到我们绽放的时刻罢了
. j+ i g; a2 o# S6 d7 ^
. Don't think he was useless, but is not to our blossom moment just
7 ?: P& ]# n2 B) Z& L, w5 l5 }& U% a
18. 衡量一个人的财富的标准在于我们失去周围的一切后还能剩下什么
5 w0 L @5 M l* O1 P( X# f% B
 The measure of a man's wealth is the standard we lose all around after can also leave
8 I# P4 c6 U$ P
19. 一个人,如果你不逼自己一把,你根本不知道自己有多优秀。
8 _6 E M* }1 W0 L3 `4 u- q) O3 A9 g$ n
. A person, if you don't force yourself, you don't know that you have many good.
0 Z' r) s C. _* I9 Q: y9 l
20. 世界上,成功的有两种人,一种人是傻子,一种人是疯子。傻子是会吃亏的人,疯子是会行动的人。
6 Z- G- B8 Z1 v5 q
. The world, successful there are two people, a man is fool, a man is mad. Fool will suffer, madness is action.
( p ?; L! E- c8 y! P" a
21. 上天是公平的,只要努力就会有收获,否则就是你不够努力
; m& N/ q$ L; Y+ s. O
. God is fair, as long as effort will include results, otherwise is you hard enough
6 c1 v8 ?4 I/ t% B& f% D9 R
22. 人生总要疯狂一次,拼搏一次
; h- D' ^; w. }$ W& A
. Life is always crazy once, struggle a
/ E9 o$ M# S+ W3 w% T5 T( G
23. 除去睡觉,一个人可以活一万天。人与人之间的不同之处在于:你是活了一万多天,还是只活了一天,复印了一万多份。
/ z/ K( {8 \6 M
. Remove sleep, a man can live for ten thousand days. The different between people in: are you live more than ten thousand days, or only live a day, the copy of more than ten thousand.
3 n( r6 U+ @% h
24. 梦想只要能持久,就能成为现实。我们不就是生活在梦想中的吗
7 v0 A0 p8 W( ~- _! @
. Dream as long as it can hold out for long time, can become a reality. We don't is life in the dream
! T% Z" b4 ~: p' C0 n
25. 一个有事业追求的人,可以把“梦”做得高些。虽然开始时是梦想,但只要不停地做,不轻易放弃,梦想能成真。
" _# A6 ^. Z$ ]$ s, _
. A career pursuit, can put the "dream" do some taller. Although the start is a dream, but as long as keep on doing, do not give up easily, the dream can come true.
1 S' L8 w% f1 Y% j- q% w3 H- C" t
26. 路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的。人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史
6 G( [6 G2 w$ @: K' V, w- I
. The road is created by feet, the history is written by human. People's every move is writing his own history
7 r/ ~8 e8 O4 a* g, u1 _* _
27. 真正的人生,只有在经过艰难卓绝的斗争之后才能实现
+ y: `; b5 Y$ j/ X! E% P
. The real life, only after hard and struggle to realize after
, R9 U/ {2 u9 a+ N
28. 改造自己,总比禁止别人来得难
8 b5 B! v* q$ e( C
. Transform yourself, than to prohibit others more difficult
t0 h) ~2 R% d
29. 宿命论是那些缺乏意志力的弱者的借口
% c2 z9 [! ]# q. g+ C
 fatalism is an excuse of the weak-willed
- e& h9 ^( y: T9 _
30. 我们宁愿重用一个活跃的侏儒,不要一个贪睡的巨人
$ X: ]5 d( L N8 J/ B6 q& n

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