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摄影师Alice van Kempen带着她的狗狗Claire,无意间走进了欧洲一处破落的城堡……嗯,中世纪城堡、空无一人的废墟,听起来似乎有些恐怖……但成果你猜怎么着?她们竟然拍摄出了一组足以惊艳你眼球的┞氛片……

Cleaning ***
Cleaning bitch.jpg
Desperate housewife
Desperate housewife.jpg
Dog nextdoor
Dog nextdoor.jpg
Go see the dogtor
Go see the dogtor.jpg
I am sew very creative
I am sew very creative.jpg
I believe in DOG
I believe in DOG.jpg
Just the two us
Just the two us.jpg
Let’s do some ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’ things
Let’s do some ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’ things.jpg
Orient express
Orient express.jpg
Ready for take-off
Ready for take-off.jpg
The morning after the night before
The morning after the night before.jpg
You colour my world
You colour my world.jpg
